Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person trainings have been replaced with online trainings until further notice. For CalFresh application assistance organizations interested in attending a CalFresh training, please email the CalFresh team at calfresh@sdhunger.org.
San Diego Hunger Coalition CalFresh Training Opportunities
Community organizations play a unique role in connecting eligible residents to benefits by conducting outreach and providing application assistance to those who need additional support navigating the process. To ensure that community partners have the tools required to effectively connect eligible San Diegans in need to CalFresh benefits, San Diego Hunger Coalition offers free CalFresh Application Assistance 101 training on a monthly basis. The Hunger Coalition can also provide private trainings depending on community organization needs.
For more information, please contact the CalFresh team at calfresh@sdhunger.org.
Information about SDHC’s CalFresh Application Assistance 101 Training
The CalFresh 101 training was developed for staff new to the program but is often a helpful refresher for staff to remain up to date with ongoing local, state, and federal program changes. The training is three hours long and provides a comprehensive background on CalFresh, including:
A complete outline of eligibility guidelines and the application process
Guidance on how to provide strong client advocacy and follow up support
Key considerations for serving hard to reach populations, including seniors, houseless people, college students, and immigrants
Important Information for Non-Subcontracting Community Based Organizations
In order for the Hunger Coalition to provide this free service to our partners, it is extremely important for us to understand the impact of our training services. We are asking partners who participate in our training to share basic data about the number of clients served on a semi-annual basis. Information will be aggregated with other community organizations when shared to illustrate collective impact in the community. We ask that all organizations complete a “CalFresh Data Sharing Agreement” before participating. If you are unsure if your organization has already completed this form, or you have any questions, feel free to contact the CalFresh team at calfresh@sdhunger.org.
CalFresh Data Sharing Agreement (Microsoft Word / Adobe PDF)
Next CalFresh 101 Trainings:
January 2024
Part 1: Thursday, January 16th from 1:00pm - 3:00pm: Register here!
Part 2: Thursday, January 23rd from 1:00pm - 3:00pm: Register here!
February 2025
Part 1: Wednesday, February 12th from 2:00pm - 4:00pm: Register here!
Part 2: Wednesday, February 19th from 2:00pm - 4:00pm: Register here!
March 2025
Part 1: Tuesday, March 11th from 10:00am - 12:00pm: Register here!
Part 2: Tuesday, March 18th from 10:00am - 12:00pm: Register here!