2019 CalFresh Challenge
/Every year, the San Diego Hunger Coalition challenges San Diego residents to eat on the average CalFresh budget for up to five days. For the 2019 CalFresh Challenge, the budget was $4.07/day per person. The purpose of the challenge is to raise awareness of hunger in our communities while giving people a glimpse of what it is like to live on a meager food budget.
This year, several of our staff members took the CalFresh Challenge for the full five days. Below are some pictures from their week.
If you took the CalFresh Challenge, we would love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. If you were unable to take the challenge this year, that’s okay! There are lots of ways you can support hunger relief in our community, including making a donation to support our CalFresh Outreach Program.
Joe Shumate, Communications Officer
Shopping trip for Joe and his wife. They found it easier to stay on the CalFresh budget if they prepared a mostly vegan menu.
Joe’s lunch every day during the CalFresh Challenge.
Joe’s dinner for two nights of the challenge.
This was Joe’s dinner for one of the nights. He was finishing up his master’s degree with late-night classes and found he didn’t have the energy to cook by the time he got home after working all day and then going to school.
Dinner for Joe and his wife - cucumber nori rolls.
Amanda Schultz Brochu, Senior Director of Programs
Amanda’s shopping trip for the CalFresh Challenge. Amanda has done this challenge for several years and has learned how to shop for healthy and filling food on a limited budget. It’s a skill and takes time.
Jaqueline Hess, CalFresh Program Manager
Jaqueline’s shopping trip for the CalFresh Challenge.
Dinner and Jaqueline’s lunches for the week.
One of Jaqueline’s dinners. She admits it wasn’t the healthiest choice, but it was one of the most affordable on her limited budget.